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Amazon Seller Central Suspension Appeals

Amazon Seller Central Suspension Appeals

Why are Seller accounts suspended?

A message from is depicted. The subject line reads "Your selling privileges have been removed". The body of the email reads "Hello, Your late shipment rate is higher than the goal of less than 4%. As a result…

If you’ve received an email like the one above, you know how critical it is that your Seller account be reinstated as soon as possible. There are a number of reasons Amazon suspends Seller accounts. They include:

  • High Late Shipment Rate

  • High Pre-Fulfillment Cancellation Rate

  • Order Defect Rate above 1%

    • Includes chargeback claims, A-to-Z claims and negative feedback

  • Intellectual Property Complaints

  • Product Authenticity Customer Complaints

  • Product Condition Customer Complaints

  • Product Safety Customer Complaints

  • Listing Policy Violations

  • Restricted Product Policy Violations

  • Product Reviews Policy Violations

What is included in a successful appeal?

A successful appeal follows a specific format, and includes a plan of action which will resolve the reason for the suspension. For example, a Product Authenticity suspension can usually be resolved by providing a contact at the original manufacturer of the violating ASINs who can vouch for the Seller’s relationship with the manufacturer, and a plan to maintain purchase receipts for all orders of the relevant ASINs moving forward.

How quickly can TkAMZ resolve a Seller suspension?

We aim to resolve all Seller account suspensions within 72 hours of the initial notification. We’ve never had a suspension we were not able to successfully appeal.

Let’s chat about your Amazon business.

Use the form below to tell us about your business, your brands and your goals on Amazon. We’ll reach out as soon as we can and schedule a 15-minute introductory call to see if TurnKeyAMZ is a good fit for your needs.


About TkAMZ

Amazon is all we do.

TurnKeyAMZ is a full service, end-to-end Amazon management consultancy. We’re able to manage our clients’ entire Amazon business with a focus on growing sales and improving operational performance. We specialize in Amazon Vendor Central and Seller Central management, Amazon Advertising management, merchandising, A+ content creation, Amazon A10 SEO, and operational turnarounds.


Los Angeles, CA


Monday - Friday
8AM - 5PM